Friday, 26 October 2012

'never been well since' .....

Hi everyone
Piglet said as I recall, 'it's not the leaves that are leaving that bother me, but the ones that keep coming'. I think Piglet was trying in vain to clear away the fallen leaves from his front door. Many a time I have felt like Piglet, those leaves just keep falling and are blown around all over the place. However, this week there has been very little breeze and the leaves have remained very near to where they have fallen. This is very strange, unusual and a little disconcerting, because where we live it is nearly always windy and the wind blows the fallen leaves in to the porch and in to the house. No leaves in the porch is such a marked change from the norm.
Homeopathically speaking the point in life when things changed for people is often very significant. For example if someone has never properly recovered from an accident, an illness, a grief, a quarrel, from taking a particular drug or having a baby then as a homeopath I am going to take this in to account in my homeopathic prescription. This 'never been well since' as we call it, can help me find the best remedy for my patient and enable them to move on to be as well as it is possble for them to be. This is why I am interested in changes and take note when patients tell me the stories of their symptoms and plot them on a time line. Many a connection  between events and people's health can come to light in this way.
I am sure the breeze will return but for the moment I am enjoying the time I would have been brushing up the leaves by rustling in them instead.
Wishing you all a happy week

Bye for now
Brenda x

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