Hi everyone
As we are in December now it is time to get to grips with Christmas. I can no longer pretend to myself that it's ages away! No doubt many of you are feeling a similar panic? I did try to book someone in last week for an appointment on Christmas Day, in my defence it would have been four weeks since the appointment that day! However, this was the realisation I needed to take it all more seriously, Christmas is less than four weeks away!
Why is it that every year I think to myself I will be organised this year, take it in my stride, plan and keep ahead and yet find myself like a rabbit in headlights not knowing which way to turn?
I think the answer is that it is a good plan to take things in stages but I have to plan in time to complete the tasks, making good use of small pockets of time. This is an insight I have just come to thanks to the Painless Practice newsletter which popped in to my in box at just the right moment.There is no magic answer or short cut to sorting Christmas, it's about planning and timing. There is also no magic answer to being as healthy as we can be. It takes time to get poorly, it takes time to get well. Let's all plan in some time to take care of ourselves in December so that we can enjoy the Christmas season as much as possible.
Wishing you all a happy week.
Bye for now
Brenda x