Thursday, 29 November 2012

As we are in December now.....

Hi everyone

As we are in December now it is time to get to grips with Christmas. I can no longer pretend to myself that it's ages away! No doubt many of you are feeling a similar panic? I did try to book someone in last week for an appointment on Christmas Day, in my defence it would have been four weeks since the appointment that day! However, this was the realisation I needed to take it all more seriously, Christmas is less than four weeks away!
Why is it that every year I think to myself I will be organised this year, take it in my stride, plan and keep ahead and yet find myself like a rabbit in headlights not knowing which way to turn?
I think the answer is that it is a good plan to take things in stages but I have to plan in time to complete the tasks, making good use of small pockets of time. This is an insight I have just come to thanks to the Painless Practice newsletter which popped in to my in box at just the right moment.There is no magic answer or short cut to sorting Christmas, it's about planning and timing. There is also no magic answer to being as healthy as we can be. It takes time to get poorly, it takes time to get well. Let's all plan in some time to take care of ourselves in December so that we can enjoy the Christmas season as much as possible.

Wishing you all a happy week.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Friday, 9 November 2012

'Well being needs to be practised'

Hi everyone
Over the last few days I have been listening to a series of webinars about health and well being. There have been some very interesting ideas discussed but the one I wanted to share is that 'well being needs to be practised'. That is to say being well is a process rather than an event and when we are as well as we can be we still need to work at maintaining our health. We all need to be practising well being all the time.

There are many factors that contribute to our well being and health, a good diet, exercise, time with family and friends, good relationships, purposeful, meaningful and rewarding work, spiritual practice, time for ourselves, service for others, the list may vary for each of us but the principles are the same. We can't look at our illnesses in isolation we have to consider the whole of our lives if we are going to be as well as we can be. We need to work out what isn't working for us in our present way of being and begin to make positive changes for the better.

I believe that homeopathy can help us with our ill health and in doing this we see the things that need to change so that we can be as well as possible. It may be that our diet needs some attention, or it could be time to dust off those trainers whatever needs to change will be high lighted and enable us to practise being as well as possible.

Wishing you all a happy week

Bye for now
Brenda x

Thursday, 1 November 2012

It's all about balance!

Hi everyone
It's all about balance!

The first thing to know about finding a balance in any situation is to understand what the problem is and be mindful of it. Then it's time to go about finding a solution that is workable, effective and long lasting, not just a quick, short term fix. Applying this to the damp situation in many a home now that the weather is colder, wetter and the heating is on can be quite a task as I have discovered this week!

This morning there was a lot of condensation on the bedroom windows in our house. The question being, what to do to lower the humidity in the house? Open the windows, ok if there is a breeze, it's not too cold and it's not actually damper outside than in. Use the dehumidifier, effective but expensive re electricity. Heat the house for longer, again expensive. Wiping the windows helps but is not the solution to the problem. I am thinking a balance of some sort is what's needed, an understanding of why it becomes so damp and then application of a strategy to manage the damp. Trickier than it sounds, a work in progress!

Similarly where our health is concerned, when we are out of balance it can take a while for us to notice. When it becomes quite obvious that things are not right we need to heed the signs and understand what the real problem is. A pain killer may help with that headache, but it could be that under lying anxiety is the real problem.

I believe that bringing us back to a more balanced place is one of the things that can be achieved with homeopathy. It may not be a quick fix as it takes time to become ill and out of balance, so it takes time to get better. However, understanding what the real problem is a huge step in the right direction and homeopathy can help us be as well as we can be.
Meanwhile, I think I'll open the windows in the house for a while. The damp is tricky to sort!

Wishing you all a happy week

Bye for now
Brenda x