Thursday, 15 August 2013

Give me a call and we can find out what needs to be done...

Hi everyone

This week we have been struggling without any hot water, the stove is out, as the weather has been too hot and the immersion heater decided to stop working too. Well my husband being a practical sort of chap thought we might be able to fix the problem with the immersion heater ourselves. So yesterday tools to the ready and having read up about hot water systems we head for the airing cupboard and the hot water tank. Well to cut a long story short, we gave up trying to sort the problem just before a major flood type disaster occurred! We rang the plumber and he’s going to fix it next week.

I have been thinking about how the lesson from yesterday applies to our health. It seems to me that we can all look after ourselves up to a point, but after we reach a certain stage we need to seek help and guidance. It also seems to me that it is best to get help before the disaster or major breakdown in health occurs. It is a matter of reading the signs our body sends us and responding accordingly. Let’s all try to tune in to what our body is telling us and return to being as healthy as we can be.
I am looking forward to lots of hot water next week and to helping you be as healthy as you can be. Give me a call and we can find out what needs to be done.

Bye for now
Brenda x

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