Hi everyone
Worrying is like a rocking chair, it is something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere! A friend said this to me many years ago when I was getting very anxious about my A level exams. I was worrying about my future if things didn't go as planned!
This saying has come back to me as I notice an autumnal feel in the air which means that September is here already and the return to school is imminent. Many children become anxious about going to 'big school', moving to a new class or changing teachers. Older children can find the move to secondary school or 6th form college difficult. A whole range of symptoms can arise from headaches to tummy aches, trouble going off to sleep or just feeling unsettled and 'not themselves'.
As a parent I know that this is a troublesome time of year for us too. We can feel bereft and lost, anxious that our children will be ok.
When symptoms of anxiety become stuck or prolonged it is time to check with your GP that there is nothing else happening to cause these problems. Then I know from my experience as both a homeopath and a Mum that there is much that homeopathy can do to help.
I hope that the return to school and college goes well for all of us, children and parents alike, but if you do need a some help I am here.
Wishing you an anxiety free week!
Bye for now
Brenda x