Saturday, 9 June 2012

Professional Development

Hi everyone

Bit of a heavy title today I am afraid but just wanted to let people know that as a member of the Society of Homeopaths I am committed to continuing to learn about homeopathy. Studying didn't finish when I qualified nearly 5 years ago, it was just the beginning of a new phase of development.

Continuing professional development can take many forms, reading, attending lectures, listening to downloads, study groups, supervision. Often it happens quite naturally as new knowledge is gathered while working on a patient's case or the need to consolidate some previous learning is recognised in daily practice.

One of the most enjoyable ways of learning is coming together with other homeopaths and spending time together on study days. I am fortunate to be part of such a group and enjoyed a great day with my friends yesterday. I picked up some very useful information that I will be able to use in my practice and for the good of my patients, which is what it is really all about. Continuing professional development helps us to do the best for our patients.

Wishing you all a happy week

Bye for now
Brenda x

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