Saturday, 19 November 2011

Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction!

Hi everyone

When I was reading the local paper the other day I came across the lovely story of a lady who had donated a mirror to a charity shop up country. Later on, once she had moved house and county, she realised that she missed having that particular mirror and so began looking for a replacement. The strange thing is that after a prolonged search she found just the thing...............her original mirror in a charity shop near her new home. She knew it was her mirror because it was engraved with initials personal to her. How surprising is that! You wouldn't have expected such a thing could happen.
People's experience of ill health can also sometimes be surprising but more often than not homeopaths can match these descriptions of ill health to particular remedy pictures. For example Cimicifuga is a homeopathic medicine and when healthy people have taken it (in order to test it out) they describe feeling trapped, as if entwined in barbed wire! Perhaps it sounds a little strange but it is in fact a sensation that I have heard expressed in a consultation.  A very real sensation for the person experiencing it. Giving homeopathic Cimicifuga helped the person move through what was a dark period in their life and the sensation disappeared. Indeed truth can be stranger than fiction, we couldn't make it up!

Have a great week!

Bye for now
Brenda x

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