Saturday, 5 May 2012

Have you spared the time to smell the flowers lately?

Have you spared the time to smell the flowers lately?

Yesterday I spent the day on the edge of Dartmoor, it was beautiful. I saw carpets of bluebells, an abundance of primroses and gorgeous patches of violets. The gorse was also in flower and smelt of honey and coconut. Being out in the open was lovely and a joy for me, nurturi ng. Which brings me to another question, how are you getting on with looking after yourself?

I know that time can be the biggest problem when it comes to self care. There just isn't any time left to look after ourselves. However, if we make the time it can be so beneficial. Everything seems so much easier and things seem to get done more quickly which means we do have more time in the long run. Making self care a regular feature of our lives is so important, I am going to be more mindful for myself, lets do it together!

Wishing you all a happy week

Bye for now
Brenda x

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