Thursday, 5 December 2013

Preparations for Christmas...

Hi everyone

As we are drawn further and further in to the preparations for Christmas and lose ourselves in lists of things to do; card writing, present wrapping, cake making, house decorating and the general bustle that comes with this time of year let’s not forget what it’s really all about. Christmas means different things to different people but the meaning can be buried under that pile of things to do.

As I hunt for the sellotape and those cards I am sure I bought last week, as time ticks by and I decide that no it’s boughten cake this year, no time left to make one now, I easily forget why I am doing these things.  Let’s give ourselves a break, some space to sit and think; a breather from it all would do us the world of good. Let’s remember what it’s all about.

Wishing you a good week.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Thursday, 28 November 2013

The sort of friendships that last a lifetime...

Hi everyone

This week I was very fortunate to be able to see Calendar Girls at the Wadebridge Town Hall. It was a production by the Camhayle Theatre Club and it was excellent. I felt as if I was one of the members of the Knapeley WI sharing in the ups and downs of village life. The story of the pain and sadness of John Clarke’s diagnosis of leukaemia and the celebration of his life with the nude calendar by the ladies of the WI was poignant and truly memorable.

There were many lessons to take away from the evening but for me it was about friendship; the sort of friendships that last a lifetime. As Christmas approaches and we become buried in things to do let’s not forget our friends, the people who are always there for us holding our best interests to their hearts. These are the people who know when we are down but putting on a face for the world, these are the ones who tell us to go see your homeopath you need a remedy!!
Thank you to all our friends and we will be there through the good times and bad because that is what friends do.
Wishing you all a good week.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Friday, 8 November 2013

Today as I was walking in the woods...

Hi everyone

Today as I was walking in the woods in the rain with our dear dog Meg, I was reminded to live in the moment. Meg was having a lovely time sniffing the piles of fallen leaves, listening for things to chase, following trails left by other animals; she wasn’t worried by the rain or the chill in the air. Meg doesn’t have lots of baggage to drag around with her, she lives for the moment she is in and enjoys it. A lesson for me and for us all I think.

The woods were beautiful today, the autumn leaves washed with rain were even more colourful and the quiet was so restful. I am glad that I didn’t miss it by being bogged down with my stuff. Thank you Meg.

Wishing you all a good week.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Dr Jayne Donegan, a GP and a homeopath...

Hi everyone

This week I attended two lectures given by Dr Jayne Donegan, a GP and a homeopath. There was much of interest about childhood vaccinations and nursing poorly children through acute disease. Have a look at Jayne’s website and gather lots of useful information: I can recommend her downloadable books: Safe treatment of Childhood Injuries and Safe Management of Fever.

Jane is like a breath of fresh air and I was delighted to hear her general measures for managing acute illness which can be found in The Safe Management of Fever book. I was particularly pleased with Jayne telling us about the need for REST and if we as adults rested when we needed to we probably wouldn’t get all those infections. I have been telling my patients for ages that they need to rest when their body asks for rest and that they need to listen to the messages their body is sending. Thank you Jayne for reminding us all of the importance of REST.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Gelsemium sempervirens...

Hi everyone

Gelsemium sempervirens.
Autumn has arrived and with the change of season many local people are coming down with a fluey cold, not good. The cold doesn’t seem to be clearing very well either and a couple of people have told me that they have been left feeling tired and heavy.

This is where the homeopathic remedy Gelsemium comes in. Gelsemium is the number one remedy for weakness after an acute infection, such as a cold. Look for the following symptoms;

·         Tired, heavy feeling.

·         Limbs ache, tremble and feel weak.

·         Thirstless.

·         Feels better in the afternoon.

In this situation try one dose of the remedy and wait and see if you feel better.  If you feel an improvement only repeat the Gelsemium as the benefits wear off, after a few doses you will find you no longer need the remedy and you will begin to feel like your usual self. If the remedy doesn’t help, contact your homeopath for advice. Hoping that you feel better soon.
Wishing you all a good week.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Thursday, 19 September 2013

British Homeopathic Association...

Hi everyone

This week I have been browsing the website of the British Homeopathic Association and it is packed with information about homeopathy. If you haven’t had a look I recommend that you do

There is lots of useful information on the site and there are 200 articles about various conditions that have been helped by homeopathy and you can also search for particular conditions. The following link is to an article about fibromyalgia . It is a fascinating story of one person’s experience of fibromyalgia and the help she received from homeopathy when nothing else had really helped.

If you are wondering if homeopathy could help you then why not do some research and find the stories of others who have been helped. Then give homeopathy a try for yourself, will help you find a homeopath near you.
Bye for now
Brenda x

Friday, 6 September 2013

A Chinese saying ‘to take medicine only when you are sick is like digging a well when you are thirsty...

Hi everyone

While reading a book about holistic health for dogs, I came across this Chinese saying ‘to take medicine only when you are sick is like digging a well when you are thirsty. It is already too late......The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine 2500BC. This is exactly right isn’t it; the best way to keep healthy is to work on prevention, because as we know prevention is better than cure!

With this thought in mind it is time to think about your yearly homeopathic ‘MOT’. As the season changes from summer in to autumn we need to be thinking about preparing for winter, I know we don’t even want to think about it but far better to sort out these little niggles now before they become bigger problems. I am offering my homeopathic health check for £20 this year, good value, if I do say so myself, as you will come away with a winter survival plan, appropriate remedies and advice on how best to look after your health during the winter months. What’s not to like? Contact me for more details on 07967 276336.
Bye for now
Brenda x


Thursday, 29 August 2013

The thing about our bodies is that they are pretty wonderful and we need to look after them as best we can...

Hi everyone

The thing about our bodies is that they are pretty wonderful and we need to look after them as best we can. This means that we need to be mindful of what is good for us and what isn’t. We all have that extra biscuit from time to time, or is that just me? We all know that exercise is good for us but sometimes it is just too much effort. However, as long as most of the time we are doing our best with our health in mind then we are taking good care of ourselves.
But what happens when things go wrong, as they do from time to time, and we become unwell? What then?
More and more people are turning to complementary medicine to help them take care of their health. As many as one in three people in the USA use complementary medicine and it must be because they find benefit from these therapies. Are people likely to spend money on things that don’t help? I think not.
I believe that homeopathy is a very useful tool that can help us take care of our health and well being. Homeopathy is versatile and can be used alongside conventional medicines, so don’t be put off from trying homeopathy for yourself. Give me a call on 07967 276336 and we can discuss how homeopathy could help you.
Bye for now
Brenda x

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Is autumn on the way?

Hi everyone
I am thinking that there is a definite chill in the air in the early morning, or is it only me? Is autumn on the way? As the bank holiday approaches thoughts are turning to September and the children going back to school and students beginning or returning to university. There is a sense that change is on the way.

We all react to change in our own way. For some of us change is exciting and challenging, while others of us struggle with anxiety and the fear of the unknown.  A little bit of anticipatory anxiety helps us through I think but when it takes over then we need to think about finding help to bring us back in to balance.

In my experience children who have worries relating to school respond very well to homeopathy. School headaches, tummy aches on a Monday morning or a more general nervousness about going to school can all be helped. What’s that old saying; school days are the best days of our life? If your child finds school difficult and doesn’t enjoy it as much as they should because of anxiety, it is time to think about homeopathy.
Bye for now
Brenda x


Thursday, 15 August 2013

Give me a call and we can find out what needs to be done...

Hi everyone

This week we have been struggling without any hot water, the stove is out, as the weather has been too hot and the immersion heater decided to stop working too. Well my husband being a practical sort of chap thought we might be able to fix the problem with the immersion heater ourselves. So yesterday tools to the ready and having read up about hot water systems we head for the airing cupboard and the hot water tank. Well to cut a long story short, we gave up trying to sort the problem just before a major flood type disaster occurred! We rang the plumber and he’s going to fix it next week.

I have been thinking about how the lesson from yesterday applies to our health. It seems to me that we can all look after ourselves up to a point, but after we reach a certain stage we need to seek help and guidance. It also seems to me that it is best to get help before the disaster or major breakdown in health occurs. It is a matter of reading the signs our body sends us and responding accordingly. Let’s all try to tune in to what our body is telling us and return to being as healthy as we can be.
I am looking forward to lots of hot water next week and to helping you be as healthy as you can be. Give me a call and we can find out what needs to be done.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Friday, 9 August 2013

The summer holidays are here & we are in holiday mode!

Hi everyone

The summer holidays are here and we are in holiday mode. Just the time to have our homeopathic remedies to hand to help with those problems that crop up when we are travelling, having fun at the beach or at the park.

Arnica is the first remedy to think of for all those bruises falling off your surf board, or that only me? Any trauma will respond well to a few doses of arnica, and it is also useful for jet lag where there is an exhausted, bruised feeling.

Many people’s first experience of homeopathy is using a first aid remedy and finding out for themselves how helpful homeopathy is in these situations. For more information on first aid remedies for the summer holidays follow the link to my newsletter page
Wishing you all a great summer.

Bye for now
Brenda x


Thursday, 18 July 2013

The popularity of homeopathy by Jeremy Sherr....

Hi everyone

The popularity of homeopathy by Jeremy Sherr.

Follow this link to hear homeopath Jeremy Sherr talk about the increasing popularity of homeopathy worldwide

More and more people are choosing homeopathy to help them take care of their health and well being, surely all these people can’t be wrong?

Find out more by visiting

Why not give me a call for a free 15 minute chat to help you decide?
Telephone is number 07967 276336.
Wishing you well
Bye for now
Brenda x

Friday, 12 July 2013

Have a look at this youtube video...

Hi everyone

Have a look at this youtube video of Jane Gilchrist a champion of homeopathy who is 99years old:
What more can I say!

Enjoy the sunshine!
Bye for now
Brenda x

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Did you know that it is widely accepted that many more people are using complementary therapies to improve their health?

Hi everyone

Did you know that it is widely accepted that many more people are using complementary therapies to improve their health?
In fact 51% of us are likely to use a complementary therapy in our life time. This means that more and more of us are taking a look at what is available in the world of complementary medicine. This also means that Homeopathy has never been more popular, 15% of the British population have said they use it and rely on its health benefits.

In a study conducted at the NHS Bristol Homeopathic Hospital 70.7% of 6,544 follow-up patients reported positive health changes with homeopathic medicines. These patients were suffering from chronic medical complaints and had been referred for homeopathic treatment. Some of these would have been patients that had not been able to find an effective treatment elsewhere. Therefore we can see that homeopathy is worth investigating, it does offer solutions to help people improve the health of themselves and their families.

Ever wondered if homeopathy could help you?
Why not give me a call for a free 15 minute chat to help you decide?
Telephone is number 07967 276336.
Wishing you well
Bye for now
Brenda x


Friday, 14 June 2013

It is Homeopathy Awareness week...

Hi everyone

It is Homeopathy Awareness week and this year homeopaths are focusing on the uses of homeopathy in sport. Being the mum to boys who play rugby I have firsthand experience of the use of arnica to help relieve those rugby injuries and believe me it is very effective!  Have a look at the Society of Homeopaths website for an article with more information on how homeopathy can help with sporting injuries 
Why not give me a ring for a chat on how homeopathy could help your specific needs? Contact me on 07967 276336.
This week my attention has also been drawn to a new website promoting homeopathy and helping people find a homeopath in their area. There are also a number of testimonials from patients who have found homeopathy helpful. If you are wondering if homeopathy could help you have a look at and give me a ring on
07967 276336.
Wishing you well

Bye for now
Brenda x

Thursday, 30 May 2013

How would you measure your satisfaction with life?

Hi everyone

How would you measure your satisfaction with life?
The people in the following clip share with us the things that give them satisfaction 
I am thinking that we also need to be as healthy as possible to be able to get the most out of our lives. Our bodies are amazing and we need to keep them as healthy as we possibly can. I believe that homeopathy is one of the ways that we can help ourselves to be well, both physically and emotionally.
If you have been thinking about trying homeopathy but not yet made that appointment what are you waiting for, the time is right.

Wishing you well

Bye for now
Brenda x

Friday, 17 May 2013

quotation from the Dalai Lama....

Hi everyone

This week a quotation from the Dalai Lama ‘there are only two days in the year that nothing can be done, one is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow. So today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.’
When I stopped to think about this I thought how true, lets grasp the moment and live.

Wishing you a good week.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Friday, 26 April 2013

Let’s not be on dab when we ought to be on fm...

Hi everyone

I have just discovered that the radio we have in the kitchen has a switch enabling it to be a dab radio or an fm radio. I only worked this out because I was trying to listen to a lunch time programme and all I could hear from time to time was scrambled words and music. I tried moving the radio around, repositioning the aerial and all the usual things we do to improve the reception, nothing was helping. Then I found this button labelled dab and fm, pressing this was the answer, at once the reception was perfect and I could hear the programme with no interruptions. 
As I was eating my lunch I began to think about how we know when we are out of sorts. I believe our bodies send us messages that all is not well, but often it seems as if these messages are scrambled and as a result we don’t pick up and act on the information we are being given. Or is it the message that is scrambled? Certainly the radio waves coming to my radio were just the same as usual, it was my radio that was in the wrong mode to receive the messages. Likewise I think that we are not in the right frame of mind to listen to the information our body is sending us, it is the receiver that is not tuned in. I think we need to have a serious think about what our body is trying to tell us and to practise tuning in to the messages it is sending us. We need to keep in tune with what is going on for us so that we can react and bring things back in to balance as soon as we can. Let’s not be on dab when we ought to be on fm!

Wishing you a good week.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Time to think about hay fever...

Hi everyone

The weather may not be very spring like but it is time to think about hay fever, yes I know but really it is time! Homeopathic help for hay fever can be more effective if remedies are taken in early spring and I think despite the evidence to the contrary it is early spring.
A hay fever review would be a very good way to get some help for your hay fever and at the moment I have a special offer running, £15 for a hay fever consultation. What’s not to like as they say? 
Why put up with sore, runny eyes, a sore runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and congestion? In my experience homeopathy does offer a great deal of help for people with hay fever, making the summer a whole lot better.
Why not give it a try this year?

Wishing you well.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Friday, 5 April 2013

How easy it is to forget to count our blessings!

Hi everyone

How easy it is to forget to count our blessings! This morning I had a lovely walk with our dog and was reminded of how beautiful our countryside is and how fortunate we are to live here. Cornwall is amazing!
I guess we all forget to stop now and again and be thankful for all the good things that we have. It is easy to get bogged down with the stuff of everyday, with the bad news, with the negative.
However, if we could focus on the good news, the positives in our lives then I think we would all feel a bit better.
Our bodies are also amazing and I am reminded that I need to remember to be grateful when I feel well. Let’s not just think about our health when it dips and we become poorly. Of course I believe that homeopathy is a very good way of helping people to feel as well as they can, it definitely works for me.
To find out more about homeopathy have a look at

Wishing you a great week.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Thursday, 28 March 2013


Hi everyone

Easter is traditionally the time when we think about new life and new beginnings. Baby chicks and lambs decorate our greetings cards and we give each other chocolate eggs as a symbol of moving forward and fresh starts. Spring must also be just around the corner. Spring is the time when our beautiful countryside bursts in to new life and offers so much promise for the future.

Seasonal changes can also affect our health, people do notice a dip in their health and well being and this year has been difficult as many of us struggle to overcome those very persistent bugs that have dogged us all winter. I am thinking that now would be a good time to try a new way of looking at our health and well being, why not try homeopathy and see if it could help you?
There are many people who have tried homeopathy and who have some wonderful stories to tell of how they have been helped, take a look at the following link  to read some great testimonials from the homeopathy heals me website.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Today I would like to share with you a great quotation...

Hi everyone
Today I would like to share with you a great quotation. A lovely couple that I know shared it with me earlier in the week and the words were really helpful for me (thank you). I hope the quote will be helpful for you too.
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.
I hope that whatever life is troubling you with you will be able to see through the rain and find some joy.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Friday, 8 March 2013

There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done...

Hi everyone
Thank you to Rob from Canine Health Concern for having the following quote in the recent newsletter.
There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.  The Dalai Lama.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Thursday, 28 February 2013

‘When your body speaks you must listen’...

Hi everyone
This week on the Chris Evans breakfast show I heard Father Brian Darcy speaking about his knee replacement operation and his recovery. Chris asked Father Darcy what he had been thinking about during his convalescence and one of the points Father Darcy made was ‘when your body speaks you must listen’. It was great to hear this being said on the radio because it really is hugely important that we learn to listen to what our body is telling us. Thank you to Father Darcy for his wise words and I hope that we will take note and begin by asking ourselves what is my body telling me today?

Bye for now
Brenda x

Friday, 15 February 2013

Laughter is good medicine too....

Hi everyone
This week I think it is time for something to make us laugh. A friend of mine showed me this clip, it is very funny. Do have a look because laughter is good medicine too.

A daughter is visiting her father and helping him in the kitchen, she asks him how he is getting on with the i- pad she gave him for Christmas.........
I hope you enjoyed the fun of this clip and that you can find other cheery things to help you feel better this week.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Friday, 8 February 2013

Health improves with Homeopathy...

Hi everyone
People often find that as their health improves with homeopathy so they become more and more interested in what homeopathy is, how it works and what it can do.  In fact it is often after successful homeopathic treatment that people begin to study homeopathy for themselves and some become homeopaths in order to use this fabulous form of medicine to help others.
The story for me began with the successful homeopathic treatment of my first baby’s three month colic, nothing had helped, but homeopathy was wonderful. Then after successful treatment for myself I really needed to find out more, and the rest is history as they say.
If you are wondering what it is all about, please get in touch and see what homeopathy could do for you.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Saturday, 2 February 2013

"Worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have’...

Hi everyone
This week my attention was drawn to this quote ‘worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have’. Thought it was very apt, much the same as ‘worry is like a rocking chair, it is something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere. However, when we are in an anxious state quotes aren’t going to be that helpful!
In my practice I do see many people who are worried and have been so for a long time. The good news is that homeopathy offers positive solutions for these people. I have seen people come through an anxious phase and move on to being able to live relatively worry free. Of course a little bit of anxiety helps us achieve, it is when we become stuck in that anxious place and the worry takes over, that’s when we need some help.
If being in a worried, fearful place is all too familiar to you then why not try homeopathy, you don’t need to stay stuck forever. As one of my patients has said 'I have been able to release a lot of fears and bottled up emotion', being able to this let this person move on with their life and live more fully!

Bye for now
Brenda x

Friday, 18 January 2013

‘It’s all about balance’...

Hi everyone

‘It’s all about balance’. I can hear myself saying this phrase more and more in consultations as I reflect back to people what I have heard them say. As we become busier and busier I feel we have less and less time to notice what is happening to us and how we might be struggling to cope. One of the things I can do when people talk to me is to highlight areas that seem to be out of balance.
Problems arise when we don't listen to the messages that our body is trying to send us. When things are getting too much the signs will be there. Those niggling aches and pains are annoying but they could also be a sign that your body isn't as balanced as it could be. It would be far better to listen at this stage than keep going.
If we don't listen to what our body is trying to tell us, then what I find is that our body will send more urgent messages, symptoms become worse and eventually we have to stop altogether. It then takes longer to get back into a balanced place and resolve problems.
Let’s try to tune in to what our body is telling us and find that place of balance, let’s be as healthy as we can be this year.
  Wishing you all a happy week.

Bye for now
Brenda x

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Cornish Homeopaths first blog of 2013...

Hi everyone

Hello and welcome to Cornish Homeopaths first blog of 2013. Hoping that you all had an enjoyable Christmas time and wishing you a peaceful and happy new year.
Well it’s January and guess what it’s raining again! We are really in need of some sunshine! This sort of damp, cold, dull, dark weather isn’t very good for our health or well being! Neither is the busyness that we are all prone to where there is never enough time to get everything done and we rush about trying to keep all the balls in the air.
At this time of year we are particularly susceptible to getting tired and stressed and then we find that we catch the latest bug doing the rounds! What happens next is that we look for a quick fix, something' to take' that will enable us to be as busy as ever. This really isn't the best way forward what we really need is to rest and allow our body to take the time that is needs to recover.
Homeopathic medicine is very helpful in these situations because it works along with the body to trigger our natural healing and aid recovery. Rest and a well indicated homeopathic medicine would be my prescription for the bugs that are around at the moment.
If you like to know more please give me a call on 07967 276336 or visit my website where you find my newsletters with lots of information about how to beat those winter ailments.

  Wishing you all a happy week.

Bye for now
Brenda x